Looking for an internship at a design and animation studio? Are you an artistic, fast-learning, curious and diligent person?

Well, we're looking for creative minds like you!

At Cartoon Planet, we offer internships to ambitious individuals hoping to start their career in the fields of animation, advertising, book design, graphic design, illustration and more.

We are also a popular choice of work placement for university students in the majors of design, art, animation and web media. Students from Bahrain's top universities and beyond have had their start with us.

An internship at Cartoon Planet gives you an opportunity to learn under the hand of experts who have been part of the industry for years.

You will gain real industry experience at a home-grown Bahraini design studio with clients like McDonalds, Saudi Aramco, Zain, Interior Ministry, Chuck E Cheese and more.

During your time with us, you will experience working on real projects that will go on to be used by our clients as advertising, or be printed as books.

You will use Adobe Creative Cloud software in a professional capacity. The programs we use are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Animate, Adobe Premiere Adobe Audition, just to name a few.

The team that started it all

Cartoon Planet is a team of Professional Bahraini Artists, Animators, and Graphic Designers. The team can form ideas into reality in a creatively and visually pleasing way to the viewer.
