
A dozen teenagers joined Cartoon Planet in an in-depth workshop about animation and character design at renowned Saudi cultural center Ithra.

The three-day workshop took its young participants on a journey through the principals of animation, from theory into application.

They learned how to illustrate and design unique and cartoon characters, and also got to try their hand in design software programs Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Animate,

Drawing upon their extensive experience as professionals in the field, the workshop was presented by Cartoon Planet’s lead animator, along with its founder and creative director.

The dynamic duo were able to demonstrate to the youngsters first-hand what it looks like to make art for a living and cater to international clients.

Ithra is also known as the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It is considered a ‘leading cultural and creative destination for talent development and cross-cultural experiences.’
